Welcome to the Computation, Cognition, and Movement (CCM) Lab at The University of British Columbia! We are a research group studying human motor learning.

    the human body
    moves with purpose, ease and grace
    how does it do so?
CCM Lab    hyosub.kim@ubc.ca

Recent News

  • (July 16, 2024) Welcome to Julian Tolentino, a fourth-year Neuroscience major here at UBC! Julian will be conducting an independent study project under Hyosub's supervision in the lab for the next year. We're happy to have him joining the team!

  • (May 19, 2024) Welcome to the three newest members of the lab, Jeremy Thomas, a PhD student in the Graduate Program in Neuroscience being co-supervised by Dr. Miriam Spering, and Kinesiology undergrads Lisa Liu and Jack Darley! We're very excited to have all of these talented students joining us at the same time.

  • (April 10, 2024) Our meta-analysis of the impact of stroke on motor adaptation is now available as a medRxiv preprint. Thanks to Sabrina Abram and Jonathan Tsay for leading this one!

  • (March 5, 2024) Jonathan W's study on Reinforcement learning during locomotion is now published in eNeuro!

  • (February 6, 2024) Our preprint on explicit and implicit locomotor learning in individuals with stroke is now online. This was a project led by Jonathan Wood in collaboration with several other researchers from University of Delaware.

  • (December 4, 2023) Welcome to the two newest members of the CCM Lab, Rebecca Niven and Amanda Arteaga!

  • (October 27, 2023) Our paper on the bayes-toolbox Python package has been published by the Journal of Open Source Software!

  • (October 27, 2023) Belated welcome to the newest member of the CCM Lab, Davin Hu! Davin will be working on a project related to sensorimotor adaptation and perception for the next year.

  • (September 13, 2023) Jonathan's project examining reinforcement learning during locomotion is now available as a preprint on bioRxiv.

  • (August 29, 2023) Congratulations to Jonathan for an excellent (and, obviously, successful) dissertation defense! Can't wait to follow Jonathan's next steps as he begins a postdoc with Aaron Wong at Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute!

  • (August 2, 2023) JT and his team have published a preprint on PsyArXiv that proposes a "3R" framework (Reasoning, Refinement, and Retrieval) for better understanding the use of strategies in motor learning.

School of Kinesiology at The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
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